Making A Run For It

I saw him again today, like I’ve seen him so many times before. In his red jacket, his shorts (despite the temp being 34° F) and his shocking white beard. But today was different. Today I decided to get out of my car and go say hello.

His name is Shodo and what I found out is that he runs 16 miles a day before returning to his RETIREMENT HOME. 

I had decided that I was going to start training for the Portland marathon that takes place in October. I had decided to see what my body thought about that and let that be the guiding factor in whether I actually sign up. 

Shodo runs every other day, so he basically runs either 48 or 64 miles per week. Amazing! He shared his wisdom with me about the absolute necessity of the stretch. Before his run he does easy stretch, mid stream he does a good long stretch of his legs, knees and feet, and again after a cool down.  I asked if he runs in full rain and he laughed at me, saying you have to run in the rain in Portland or you would not get to run at all.

I am in awe and I am encouraged in my possible goal of one marathon under my belt, just to see if I can.

On a lighter note, and one that my friend Margaret would get a kick out of, yesterday I went for what would be my third day of my first week of training. Scruffy went with me because that girl loves to run. Before getting started I was going to change to my running clothes but decided my T-shirt and sweats would be fine. I walked to the bedroom to get a bra on and then just shrugged and thought I really didn’t need it.  I did my 15 minutes of running, with the girls completely unperturbed at not being strapped down. 

There are a number of benefits at not being well endowed. Braless while running is one. 

Happy Friday my friends. 


  1. What a great goal you’ve set, Linda. The training alone is excellent. You are one determined woman!

  2. Happy Friday! Shodo sounds like he's in great shape. I can walk for miles...but run? I'd probably drop at some point. LOL I'm sure you'll do great!

  3. Wow! You are going to run the Portland Marathon! I didn't know you are a runner and have run a marathon before. That is so cool. I love this and look forward to more news. Happy running to you!

  4. Well done on starting marathon training. Shodo is quite the inspiration for anyone!

  5. Whether you end up running the marathon or not, I hope you find much inner and outer benefit in the training.

  6. Yes I am jealous. In high school there were no sports bras. We would wrap me in an ace bandage so I could run and jump etc. Pitiful. If I had been smart I could have invented them so as a cheerleader I was not going to knock an eye out. :-)

  7. What an inspiration Shodo is. I wish you the best in your training.


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