Fine By Me

The job is fine.

It is not much of a challenge, so I won't be getting any stress headaches from it.

The people are nice enough.

It is close to home.

I pick my hours.

It is fine.

I am hoping it stops feeling like a giant demotion. I am hoping that I can start to care a little. For now, I am resigned.


  1. I hope with time you feel good about the job. It’s a start! Networking is in order.

  2. I hope it grows on you in time. There may be other pluses which aren't apparent yet.

  3. It really does sound fine in many ways. I do hope you can start to care a little.

  4. You just never know what might happen next - sometimes one job leads to another.

  5. I have found that sometimes resigned is the best I can do and it's enough to keep me going until things change, either because I start to care or because I move on. It's better than agitation or distress. I'm glad you're not experiencing those things and that there are some good things about the job!


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