Ain’t Google Wonderful.

I am waiting to go in to start my new job. I am not thrilled and certainly not feeling comfortable. Killing time I’m looking through my documents and look at my birth certificate when I notice that the attending physician was a women. 58 years ago, I think that must have been fairly uncommon. 

I did a quick little google search and find only one entry for Hildegarde Wilkinson

The article said she would accompany her doctor father when he treated the poor on Beaver Island Michigan. Later she was the first woman to be accepted at Stanford University Medical School. She was unable to attend because he mother had been in a very bad car accident and needed special care. 

She delivered me in 1963 and in 1969 became the Chief of Staff at the hospital I was born in. She was called Dr. Hildegarde and was known to be warm and very generous.

In the article of the Glendale newspaper, it gave the death of  “Dr. Hildegarde” at the ripe ole age of 97 in 2001.

Took my mind off of “other” things for at least a little while. 


  1. Wow! That's interesting. How nice that you were able to honor her with this post.

  2. It is pretty great when Google fill-in some of the spaces in our histories. She was quite an accomplished woman. Good sleuthing there!

  3. "Hildegarde" is a great name which really should come back in popularity, in my opinion! And hey, you were born the same year as my little sister! Ah yes, 1963, I remember it well. I started Grade One that year.

  4. That woman was an inspiration for women for sure.

  5. Good luck on the first day of your new job. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it.

  6. Good luck with your new job! That woman sounds like a real inspiration!

  7. I can't even read my birth certificate, it's written in German.

    Good luck with the new job.

  8. That's very interesting -- and unusual at the time.


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