A Job

I was offered and have taken a job.

Veterinarian office bookkeeper.


  • part time
  • flexible hours
  • dogs and cats everywhere
  • very close to home
  • the vet seems very friendly
  • I can work from home part of the time
  • employee discount
  • no hearing fatigue
  • part time
  • no health benefits
  • low pay
I think it will be fine as long as the state will still pay part of my health care premium. It's hard to know for sure. Much like a hospital visit, there is not an easy to find chart that gives the income cut offs for the working poor.


  1. That's great news! There's nothing that says you can't keep looking for a full-time job with better pay/benefits but in the meantime, you've got your foot in the door! They say that it's easier to job hunt and get another job if you're employed while doing so. Let's hope that's accurate!

  2. Congratulations! Does the vet know others that need a part-time bookkeeper?

  3. I say, three cheers! Maybe it is a longtime job; maybe just a placeholder. But you have work that will satisfy with someone who appears to be nice. And low pay is better than no pay. I hope you can ferret out the health-related things and who knows, maybe a second part-time will open up in good course, too. This makes me smile. Good news.

  4. Congratulations! So good to know that you have found a job there. It may not be perfect, but it's a start AND you get to see all kinds of furry and feathery critters everyday. Hope it all goes well.

  5. Fantastic news. Another part time job will find its way to you before you know it. In the meantime, you can ease your way back into the workforce at a comfortable pace. Being surrounded by animals sounds kind of dreamy to me.

  6. Congratulations! That is a much better employee discount than the previous one you mentioned! Working from home sometimes and working amidst the critters at others sounds wonderful! I hope you enjoy it. Even though it's not exactly what you were looking for it seems flexible enough to allow for continued searching or a future addition. So happy for you :-)

  7. Congrats from the great news department. It's a wonderful start and who knows what will happen. The animals are a nice attraction though, I miss them as we can't have them.

  8. That’s great news. A good place to start in the area. Networking will be easier now being out in the community. Good luck! Something better will come along.

  9. Really pleased for you. The less hearing fatigue the better, and I hope it goes well for you. Morag x


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