Back in the saddle.

Still with a nasty head cold but the rest of it has settled. What will be will be.  

If they offer, I will take. If they don't, I will adjust my tiara.

On to the next.

Have a great Saturday.


  1. If you're offered the job, it's the bird in the hand. A port in a storm for the time being. If not, something better is waiting for you. Perseverance will pay off. Morag xx

  2. I hope the cold is better soon! Glad to know you're feeling better otherwise and can discern what the right decisions are. That is a burden lifted in and of itself! You never know what might happen. I am picturing a comedic novel or BBC Radio 4 comedy series set in a funeral home that is calm and 'just right' in the public-facing rooms and chaotic and at least partly old-fashioned in the back. :-D

    1. Right! One can make the best of any situation. And how can I possibly pass up the employee discount?


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