My Happy Heart

I was sitting on the horrible kitchen linoleum, scraping up the paint that I dripped while painting the green walls, when in walks Winnie. She says with a big smile, “Want to take a walk to paradise?” I hesitated. I was tired. I’d been awake since 2:30am, after awakening from a bad dream. But then I remember we are only here once so… in the moment….be more like Winnie. 

“Let me get some shoes on”, I say and off we go.  We walk to Kellogg Creek which is within hearing distance but only accessible about a mile away. We sneak through fences while talking about life and love and faith.  She loves her church. It is her life BUT she sheepishly looks at me and divulges, “I am a feminist”.  No big surprise there. Someone as full of life as she is, how could she not be? She knows that it doesn’t go hand in hand with her faith but she makes allowances for it.

Kellogg Creek is achingly beautiful and serene. I felt grateful that I could still hear the water making its way past piles of branches and mounds of stones, joyfully laughing at their feeble attempt to slow its progress. We didn’t linger long because she didn’t want to miss any of the Super Bowl. She doesn’t like Super Bowl parties because people talk too much 🤣😂😆

Making our way back we spoke of how the universe laughs at us when we make plans. I’d share with you what we spoke of but both sides were too personal. 

The beauty of friendship, that soft landing spot for our broken hearts and future hopes. 


  1. Sounds like a wonderful walk! And I'm with Winnie -- I hate it when a bunch of people yakkity-yak-yak through a game I'm trying to watch. Very distracting. But hey, if it's a party, you have to expect that, so I just grin and bear it.

  2. How wonderful that you ended up right where you needed to be to welcome Winnie into your life!

  3. I love how your friendship with Winnie is unfolding into times of such sweet joy. Yes, to the healing beauty of friendship.

  4. The scenery and the setting provided a great backdrop for you both by the sound of it.

  5. Being a feminist doesn't have to conflict with faith. I hope Winnie not only realizes that but embraces it. She sounds like a wonderful friend and seemed to know just what you need. I'm glad you went.


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