Here We Go Again

I’m sitting in the car about to go into my next interview. The horrible anxiety I felt at the beginning of this process has eased and I am able to find a center before going in to find out if this particular group of people find me worthy. Such an abandoned child point of view. I wish I could go in with the feeling that they are lucky I am here and, if they act real smart, I might just accept them. That mindset is elusive. 

Deep breathe.  

The interview yesterday went well. I think I could do the job. Overall, it suited me well, with flexible hours, casual dress and very close to home, but then she asked how I would do on the phone with non-sober people (it was a recovery center). I faked my way thru that even as my anxiety amped up. I have empathy, I really do, but I didn’t realize that the bookkeeper would have to interact with addicts and drunks. “Not REAL often”, she says to me. Somehow, with the emphasis on REAL, I didn’t feel comforted. This body, with its trauma memory, is not keen on interacting with non-sober people, but I have grown a lot so maybe I would surprise myself. Ah well, they haven’t called yet so I will let it go…for now. 

Job search at 58😫

In I go……wish me luck!


  1. Wishing you much luck! may there be a good fit all around and the awareness that they'd be very lucky to have you on the team!

  2. I didn't get the impression she was too interested in me. That's ok.

    On to the next.

  3. I hope you find a job that you will love and that the employers will appreciate all of your talents and hard work.

  4. If not this one, the right one is out there!

  5. I hope things went well. I wonder if the "having to speak with non sober folks" job was put in your path for growth or something you need to do. I've had those and I go in kicking and screaming and then learn, HA. I needed that to learn this. Or I could just be full of shit Linda. :-)

    1. Kind of felt like I'd had enough of that "learning" but you never know, do you?



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