Great Things in Small Packages

This is Winnie.

This woman is absolutely amazing. She is all of 4 ft 10 in. She is a staunch lifelong, very Irish, catholic with the most open and loving spirit. She has been married to Andrew for 64 years.......yup.....she and Andrew got married the year Boy Scout was born.

Boy Scout found her walking her dog Francis in the street and as they are made from the same mold (meaning neither one of them has ever met a stranger) they became fast friends.

This woman shares wisdom without even meaning to and she reminds me that the job of growing is never over. The other day when we were speed walking (I've finally met someone who walks like me) I asked her, "Do you love being small? I was the smallest person in my school of 900 kids in 7th grade. I loved being small. Do you?"  Her reply was that she had a gift. She is completely unaware that she is small and proceeded to tell me all the times where she stood tall and actually thought she was. Size is in your mind she says.

She is sweet with a ton of spice. Overly sweet people are just fine but they can also be boring. Not my Winnie. She never ceases to amaze me. 

She does yoga in the middle of the night when she can't sleep, takes communion to the elderly who can't get out, goes to daily mass and still works hard on her marriage. She loves a party and gets a bit tipsy.

She smiles at us and says she can't believe the luck she has to have us for neighbors but the luck is all ours.

I love her and am grateful to have this wise woman in my life. 


  1. Wonderful! She is fortunate as well. She’s right about that.

  2. OH I love Winnie. Nothing better than great neighbors!!

  3. Winnie sounds absolutely delightful! A real ball of fire too!

  4. Winnie has a big fan club now. I wish we all had neighbors like Winnie.

  5. Winnie sounds fabulous! So glad you all found each other!

  6. She sounds like the perfect neighbor.

  7. We should all have a Winnie. She sounds absolutely inspiring and delightful. I'm very happy for you!

  8. New friendships with people like Winnie are treasures.


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