Outta Here

The Boy Scout has been talking a whole lot of football for the last couple of weeks. Glassy eyed, I  listen to his descriptions of plays, rules, gossip and statistics. I try to be interested. I do. But the fact of the matter is I believe it to be a yucky form of hyper-masculinity, violent and gaudy. Not my thing.

This afternoon I was sitting on the couch, with my pad at my fingertips, watching Kansas City and Buffalo have at it, when I hear this strange sound. pfff pfff snort, pfff pfff snort. I look over to see Mr. Football himself, fast asleep and making a scene of it. It's barely half time.

I pulled myself out of there to a more comfy spot with no pfffing around and am feeling good about it. Got better things to do than to pretend to watch football with my comatose couch potato.


  1. Replies
    1. The funny thing is.....I got a play by play of the last 10 minutes when it was over. He was happy.

  2. LOL! It's baseball here--Bill's Boston Red Sox. he listens online. Because of the time difference, the games are usually in the middle of the night (when I am in the other room stitching and listening to something else), but sometimes they play in the afternoon there, so they're on in the evening here. He'll turn it on and there I am listening to a game I have no interest in. I make a comment about something the announcer said and Bill has no idea what I am talking about! It was on, but he wasn't paying attention. :-)

  3. My eyes glaze over when my husband describes computer stuff.

    The last few minutes of that game were exciting, I’m told!

  4. I am thankful Rick does not watch sports. I am the baseball nut but still I can record them. Because my sister is a die hard Bills fan I heard about the game and felt badly for her. But that's my extent of football, thank goodness.

  5. I hate that when I'm watching something Rick wants to watch and I don't particularly, and then he falls asleep! Glad you got on with life!


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