If The Shoe Fits

Over 20 years ago I was still living in a box, on a shelf, in a store.

Then one day a woman tried me on. She was quick! Well, she had to be, as the pack of kids she had with her were not being all that patient. The oldest one was watching over the others, the 2nd was kind of quiet, the 3rd was taunting his siblings ceaselessly and the little one....she just wanted to try on shoes. That lady took me to the register and, of course, presented a coupon because that is how she rolls. Slipped into a bag, I was on my way home.

In those first couple of years I got used  mostly in good weather and only on occasion. I saw the writing on the wall when the kids started complaining on the trail. One by one, they just lost interest, being busy with other things and not wanting to spend as much time with my lady. I got stuck in the back of beyond about 12 or 15 years ago. Each time the closet door opened my hope was raised but, alas, either the tieless Bob's or the golf shoes got pulled out and I was left in the corner with the dust bunnies.

Once in a great while she would slip me on and I would reward her lack of use with a blister or two. Otherwise, darkness.

Then one day I got put in a giant truck that had to have been 120 degrees (just my kind of weather) and off we went. The move was fortuitous. Now I get worn nearly daily....imagine that. My lady, whose tastes run very casual and comfortable, has just been leaving me in the living room, not even bothering with that dark, new closet with all the room and no dust bunnies whatsoever. I reward her by keeping her feet dry and warm and making sure that not a single blister shows up. Who knows? Maybe me and one of the dresses might finally get to meet.

Life is good.


  1. Charming! Nothing is as comfortable as a good, reliable pair of shoes!

  2. Loved reading this! Lucky shoes to have found their way into your heart and on to your feet. Keep on walkin'!

  3. Life IS good! And, seemingly, comfortable!

  4. This walker knows how important good comfortable footwear is!


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