Help Wanted

Once again I am faced with changing my dreams, adjusting my hopes and expectations. I had wanted to see the world, travel, experience new cultures, walk the Camino, see the Northern lights.

I am trying to surrender, let go, breathe and let the universe take care of it all. Tired of buying into what our society says is successful or desirable and then having it tell me, “Not for you chica.”

My lifelong quest for security and feeling safe has been misguided, it has not served me well. My sense of self was far too based on a job well done, a generous income and planning for the future. I want to adjust my sails but I don’t know a thing about sailing. 

Finding a new tribe, simplifying my life,  paring down what I want or would like from the world. 

A new journey but in need of a willing heart. 


  1. Keep your chin up, my friend! The job-hunting process is very hard on our egos and sense of self-worth, but I hope that, in time and with perseverance, you will find something that is a perfect fit for you!

  2. Well, you know, society tells us a lot of things, but when I look around at the state of societies, I am not inclined to trust what is coming from that source! But take heart! You might not know about sailing in these particular waters, but you know a lot about yourself, your life, and how to live in awareness and these will help you navigate the unfamiliar. You have the basic skills and foundational knowledge because you've done so much work already. Any human who is not muddling through and figuring stuff out as they go along is not paying attention.

  3. I agree with Debra above; however, the other thing going on here is that you moved far away from family and friends. I've done that a number of times, and it's is hard, hard, hard on the self. The good part is the enforced introspection that comes with loneliness also serves to promote positive change and personal growth. I can't tell you to enjoy this time, because it probably isn't enjoyable. However, know that a year from now your life will be different. And joy will return. Sometimes the only thing to do is to surrender. For a while, and try to make sense of what is going on around you.

  4. I hope whatever triggered this post wasn't too sad or terrible. My sense is that over the course of your life, you have learned how to adapt and evolve. This is just one of those crappy times when you evolve again. Perhaps as you continue your journey it's time to write the book that may be in your heart and soul, waiting to come out. Or to explore something you never really thought about all that much before. You are one strong, capable person. You can do this.

  5. It is easy to lose hope in the job search. There is a lot of wisdom on the replies above and I won’t repeat them. You
    You’ve got this, Linda. Hang in there.

  6. You'll be fine, just be patient. Patience is the hard part for me. :)


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