Going In A Forward Direction.

One of the ACA concepts is Emotional Sobriety. The idea that when something occurs that tries to draw me in to turmoil, I can decide how I will respond. I can choose to be thin skinned, indignant, sullen or just plain hurt. Those feelings are quite normal for me. They call that being addicted to excitement or the “inner drug store”, where the default is DRAMA.

These last couple of weeks have not been without a few bumps. Families can be complex, to say the least. I have spent some time crossing my arms and stomping my inner child feet WITHOUT allowing that to come to the surface. I comforted my inner girl and reminded her that others are going through hard times and that it's not personal. And, truthfully, even if it was personal, I can still choose to not take part and give up my inner peace. 

It's not swallowing emotions or allowing someone to treat me bad. It's more about being a big girl and not allowing another person to needlessly ruin my day, or worse, get me to say things I will eventually regret. 

I’m not excellent at it but I’m progressing. In ACA it is progress not perfection.


  1. Forgiveness is such a hard one. A gift to self really which is why it’s such a tough one.

  2. I guess the most important thing is being aware of our emotions and consciously choosing how to react, rather than just over-reacting unconsciously. It's a hard skill to learn though -- I still need practice too!

  3. Sometimes forgiveness isn't warranted with more than just forgiveness so one can move on. Sometimes one has to let go but walk away.

  4. Our lives are always a work in progress, but being able to understand that there's work to do and to do it, even imperfectly, is crucial. I have known too many people who have suffered and caused others to suffer because they want to pretend that things are fine and there is nothing they have to work on at all, or that someone else is the cause of all their problems. There is not a person alive who doesn't have some inner work to do! I admire the way you show up for yourself to do the work and share what you learn :-)

  5. Working on our inner selves is work in progress. I think it's never ending but a good place to be. We can always be a better person.


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