Blink And You’ll Miss It!

This is Wayne.

Wayne, well educated white male, puts his own face on a giant billboard telling us how he, yes WONDERFUL him, is empowering females to be their best.

Is it because he has some women working beneath him and his partner son, allowing them to give exemplary client service?  Is he paying those women an extremely generous salary so they can achieve their dreams?  Or is it that he gives his women clients special advice or a big discount for his unique services? 

He likes tooting his own horn that’s for sure. Do we need Wayne to empower us? Did you ask him to empower you? Does he know what our best is?

He may, in fact, somehow be empowering females to be “their best” but he missed this one by a mile.   


  1. I would be a bit concerned about what Wayne thinks is 'their best.' I am guessing that Wayne and I would not be on the same page about that. Not even close, I bet. He certainly has a healthy ego.

    1. He seems to think rather highly of Himself and his charitable work. I'm of the mindset that if you are going to do it, don't scream it to the world. I think the bible even speaks to that.

    2. It does indeed! I would be curious about how much of the $$$ donated go to actually helping people and how much to line Wayne's pockets! Or to buy billboard ads tooting his own horn!

  2. Oh jeez. I watched a talk show last night where three male politicians debated the legal aspects of a case where a female gynecologist was sentenced to a huge penalty for giving online advice re abortion options. They were so full of themselves, I actually threw something at the tv. I am a mild woman in her mid 60s, normally. The gynecologist did not break any law BTW.

    1. Whaaaaaa!?!?!?!?! Isn't amazing, the audacity of men who think they should be able to not only weigh in on Women's issues, but to regulate and punish?

  3. Hmmm. Well, everyone in your area now knows Wayne!

  4. That website "can't be reached." Hmmmmmm.

    1. It shows up for me:

      Tells us all about the orphans he is helping. He's probably a decent guy just clueless.

  5. Just another guy with a BIG ego.

    1. Ain't it the truth? Luckily they're not all that way.

  6. Makes me wonder how he knows how to empower women to be their best. What a guy!

  7. Good grief! I’d like to talk to some of those women…


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