And You

When I was a kid (especially a teenager) there were lots of little things about my mom that bugged, irritated or just plain embarrassed me. I don't like it but it's true. I disliked the way she said Q-pons instead of coupons and her-bs instead of herbs (erbs). There were some other things but those two come to mind right off the bat. It also annoyed that she never said, "I love you". Eventually I would say it to her nasty when we were fighting, using the very thing I wanted to hear from her as a weapon. What can I say? I was a kid, and an angry one at that, so I try offer myself forgiveness and understanding, even while knowing it probably hurt her feelings.

Now that I am older there are some things about my kids that are like me that I don't especially like. Just little things that tend to make me feel uncomfortable in my own skin. 

The other day when my girl was here, we went out somewhere for a bite to eat. My kids have become veritable mama bears next to me because of my hearing or lack of it. They do it without thought or motivation; it's really very sweet. My girl was by my side at the counter, we worked things out to the satisfaction of each party and the cashier issued her, "Thank you and have a nice day". Before I could answer, out of the mouth of my girl comes, "You as well". I couldn't' help but smile. Those are my standard parting words for many, if not most, interactions.

I love to say them because I mean it....I wish that person well in the daily toils. 

I liked it on her lips too.

Have a great day my friends.


  1. I say Q-pons and her-bs too. Please don't shun me, LOL!

  2. Linda, do you have hearing aids? I think it's wonderful that she, like you, is so kind. I remember being embarrassed because my mom was older than the other moms and also she said sangwich instead of sandwich. But I was smothered with love and I love you(s) so when she died and I was only 13 I would have loved to hear sangwich one more time. I hung on to all that embarrassment in such shame for oh, about 60 years. :-)

    1. I have had them since I was 30. It has just degraded to such a degree that there is not a lot that can be done.

  3. Mother-daughter relationships are so interesting. Just reading this made me think of my mom, who I miss dearly. But we sure did have our issues. I love that you and your daughter had this moment together. Really sweet.

    1. I miss mine too....a hole in my heart where she lived.

  4. I love those moments too, when I see those connections with my daughter, or see her in her girls. I am told regularly I am like my mom. We are lucky women, Linda.


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