Hide and Seek

Someone just parked in the street in front of the house. They got out of the car and walked towards the front door.

Me:  Is that someone you know?

BS: No, maybe, it might be Andrew. (as he gets up and goes towards the front door with a smile)

Me: (heading to the back bedroom to write this blog, only to emerge if absolutely necessary)

Are you the jump to get the front door type or the hide if possible type? I have different levels but my inner introvert is showing up this morning.


  1. My husband is always the first to the door and he’s way more introverted than I. However, he is more curious than I am.

  2. I'm definitely a hide if possible woman!

  3. Reading this made me think about why I love blogging. I get to "know" people and have virtual friends, without all the actual human contact or interactions. Yes, hide.

  4. I'm the "peer suspiciously through the peep hole and then ignore whoever is there if I don't know them" type. Just because someone knocks doesn't mean I'm obliged to answer.

  5. I am definitely the run and hide type. And I consider myself an extrovert of sorts outside my house. But here in this sanctuary we've created I indulge in introversion. I just don't want strangers coming to my house. My husband, the introvert, always wants to answer the door when it is unexpected. I think on some level he enjoys sending salesmen away.

  6. My husband runs to the door, the mail, the phone. I can ignore all and prefer to. I am an introverted extrovert.😌

  7. I thought I left a post earlier, but it seems I didn't press the "publish" button. Sheesh. Anyway, I'm the run and hide type at home, despite being a bit of an extravert out in the world.

  8. Husband opens the door. I feel the same way about the door as I do about phone calls; if I don't recognize the number or face, there is no obligation for me to answer or open. I don't hide. I just go back to what I was doing.


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