Heart Strings

This life is a challenge, isn't it?

From early on until the day we leave, we will carry whatever it is that this world decides is our burden, our personal backpack whether nearly empty, half-full or completely overflowing. There are people who seem like their burden is far heavier than most but it is impossible to compare. We each have our own experience, our own truths, and our feelings within that truth which are completely valid and important and ours alone.

Realizing all that, is important for me to remember that there is also tremendous beauty. My goal is to see the glorious within the challenges that are mine to carry. Most of the time I am able to achieve that. On occasion my head gets turned. My sight becomes blurry. The burden gets too heavy. I lose sight.

Today, I hold those times closely to my heart. I wait, staying still and quiet (or get angry and cussing) until I can better express what it is I really feel. Sometimes I need to share it with someone else, someone who can hear me but also know what the end goal is. Other times it is just me, and the loving parent that lives inside my heart, who hears my fears or disappointments. That parent comforts me through and tells me it is ok to feel.

I’ve been away from my blog for a while. I’ve been unable to be authentically me because my vision has been a bit blurred.

I’m back. The views are clearer than ever, the beauty all around.

I think I want a cat.


  1. A cat is a great idea! It will boss you around and put everything in perspective for you!

  2. Ok, in all seriousness and humor, don't get a cat. 😁

  3. I have been thinking of you and hoping all is well there. I am so glad to see a post and know that your views are clearer and that you see the beauty all around. I hope you get a cat! Welcome back.

  4. Your last line me me smile broadly! Can’t wait to see it.

  5. We all need time now and again to rest and fine tune our vision.

    Cats are cool!

    I hope you had a great time with your kids when they were visiting! Stay warm--i hear it's cold there!

  6. Life is so hard at times, I would agree. Holidays seem to magnify everything as well. I was too sick to care this Christmas so it was kind of a blessing in disguise:)

    Sending hugs and love.

  7. Welcome back, good to see you posting again. Cats rock and are lots of fun and enjoyment. They will make you their personal slave. :)

  8. You will always be glad you have a cat. They are wonderful therapists. They simply listen. Until they nag you for food! Happy Christmas Week, my friend.

  9. Ooh a cat! What a great idea. Mine is glued to me right now, she loves close contact. And she's purring! Such contentment.


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