Have I Got a Job for You.........

Had an interview yesterday. It was interesting to say the least. A stoner/dealer who, some 11 years ago, figured out he could sell marijuana without getting arrested by becoming legit and opening a "lab". That lab has taken him down some interesting roads and now tests THC/CBD, soils, water, asbestos, etc. You have a need, he has a test. The job had a casual atmosphere and sounded kind of fun, if not a little precarious. The interview went along swimmingly, and I think I had the job in the bag....UNTIL he mentioned that the bookkeeper was their backup receptionist. I asked a few questions and stopped the interview. They needed their bookkeeper to work one 8 hours shift behind the receptionist counter. Behind a sheet of plexiglass. With mandatory masks. In an office located right on a busy street. I could not hear one word the receptionist said. I had no reason to believe it would be any different from the otherside of the plexiglass.

Feeling low, low in value, having little to offer, a blow to the ego. It's ok. I can feel this and move on but today it's how I feel.

My youngest comes on Sunday and child #3 comes on Monday. As a mom my heart is full. I will miss the other two tremendously but I will get it where I can and be content in it.

I will perk up on Sunday for sure.


  1. Having two of your children there will be a joyous time for sure. Hang in there, Linda. The perfect job is out there.

  2. Yes. Feel and move on. Don't let your hearing affect your sense of self. It's just that this isn't the job for you for nothing to do with your skills or ability. YOU are fine. And you WILL find the right thing.

  3. A job search is always hard on the ego, so hugs to you! You'll find the perfect job for you eventually, I'm sure! Enjoy your visit with your kids.

  4. You have so much to offer. I don't even know you, but I can tell from your writing, your empathy, your observations that you have enough experience to get the job meant for you. You'll find it, and until then you have your loved ones coming soon. That will lift your heart and spirits miles high!

  5. Onward you go, your job is still out there to be found and you'll find it. Great news that your children are coming for a visit. Have a wonderful time with them. Enjoy your weekend.

  6. I'm sorry about this disappointment.

    How wonderful that your kids are coming! Have a blast and enjoy every minute!

  7. Hi Linda, hugs from another hearing challenged person. I burnt out doing a job I loved, but which required better hearing than I had. So well done for being more realistic than I was!

    A job will come along which matches your talents, skills and qualities, and that won't totally tax you on the hearing front. It'll be worth waiting for.

    Morag xx

  8. That's so frustrating. Something will come up. Have a lovely visit.


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