What, Me Worry?

When I live life from standpoint of:

  • worry about what will come, 
  • what might be, 
  • how will it work, 
  • will we be Ok 
it is dark and overwhelming.

Today, I need to live in the moment. I am grateful for much and I need to let go of the preconceived notions of what life at 58 or 60 was going to look like. Staying there will only make the future scary and the moment lost.

Easier said than done but I say it outloud so that I am accountable for having said it, if nothing else. I have no control over ANYTHING but me.


  1. You're right. Worry only serves to poison the present moment with things that might never happen.

  2. I'm a firm believer in giving voice to one's anxiety. It allows you to reclaim your own power. There's no virtue to suffering in silence. Not to the sufferer, anyway.

  3. I am studiously not looking forward out of fear of what may or may not come, which is not a bad thing. I have no control over the outcome. I have done what I can.

    Sending hugs.

  4. I do my best to do that every day -- sometimes with more success than the others. You're right -- easier said than done, but doing it is so much better.

  5. At some point, I realized that if I planned for/worried about 25, 000 different possible outcomes, I'd end up facing the 25,001st possible outcome. weird shit happens. Or all the things I worried about did not come to pass at all and I lost precious time being anxious about it. I've also had times in my life when I would wake up in the morning feeling anxious and I'd notice myself scanning for something to focus the anxiety on. I still feel anxiety, but I have learned to understand that this is part of how my brain operates. It's something I have to be aware of and find ways to deal with. I'm doing better, but as with so much else, it's a lifelong project.

  6. A dear friend was worried these past few days. So, I sent her this song. I'm hoping you'll like it too.


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