Coming Full Circle

We spent a quiet day yesterday. 

Greeted the new day and played an early 1/2 a round of golf and then a quick lunch. Back home to a little bit of football and the Boy Scout had a long nap. I took that opportunity to talk to the kids. It warmed my heart.

Tried some lousy Chinese food and then a movie.

It was cheesy but I wasn't going to miss it.  In 1984 my then boyfriend, who later became my husband, and I drove 45 minutes to the closest drive in movie theater. It was the beginning of summer blockbuster season and there was one movie that I was determined to see. We got to the drive in early to get a good spot. The Secret Keeper had a romantic side so he packed a picnic and parked his old yellow truck backwards and put out blankets and pillows. 

It was fun seeing all the kids running around. Remember the playgrounds that used to sit at the foot of the giant screen? As we sat there, having a good time, a man approached. It took a minute to realize that my somewhat estranged brother was coming in for a chat. I hadn't seen him for awhile. Had no idea where he even lived. He is one of those people that come and go, slowly burning bridges as he retreats. You know the type? Everyone has one or two. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but it is easier to love him from a distance; better out than in my life. My siblings seem to feel fairly similarly, as does at least one of his own children. It was a surprise and so very good to see him. It would be a few years before I would see him again. Even now, nearly 40 years later, I haven't seen him since my mom died on December 12, 2007.

But I digress....

I loved the first movie and I loved that cutie Ray Parker Jr. singing the theme song. I tolerated the 2nd movie, disappointed by the female version remake but decided I would not miss Ghostbusters: Afterlife. It was fun. The kid actors were good, the story fine and the special effects reliable. It was great to see some old faces. One part was especially sweet and for that reason alone it was worth seeing but I won't share in case anyone else is going to take it in.

For a fun evening, Who Ya Gonna Call....?


  1. "One of those people that come and go, slowly burning bridges as he retreats" -- my brother is the same way. This is a great description of the type!

    I'm looking forward to seeing "Ghostbusters Afterlife" too. It looks fun! And you know, it was filmed here in my province of Alberta, Canada while pretending to be Oklahoma or wherever it was supposedly set in the USA.

  2. Glad you enjoyed the movie! Bummer about the lousy food, though. :-(

  3. I'm so glad to hear it's good. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

  4. It sounds like a good holiday overall! Now, onward to the next!


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