What Are You Driving At?

The other day I was walking from my car to the mall. As I walked, a parked car's reverse lights lit. The gal starts backing up WITHOUT LOOKING and as her bumper reached my knee I hit her trunk and jumped out of the way. She looked at me like I had a problem and kept right on going.

I'm shaking my head and walking across the main thoroughfare, thinking dark thoughts about stupid drivers, and approaching the Macy's door when a car that had stopped at the crosswalk started forward....towards me. She was looking straight ahead. I was right in front of her. I literally had to run to not be hit! Reaching the sidewalk, I exclaim to two shoppers that had witnessed this, "People are trying to fricken KILL me today!" They stood their with their mouths open, apparently shocked by what they saw.

Had I had gone invisible? My presence never registered on her zombie face.

I'm starting to wonder if everyone is just stoned out of their gourds. 


  1. It's driving mad, no looking. You have to really watch because the drivers don't.

  2. Oh yes--zombie drivers! I was once almost run down my a mail van in southern OR. I learned to be very careful about crossing the street because people do not pay attention. Another guy was shook up when he almost hit me as I was crossing in the crosswalk with the walk sign lit up. He was going to make a right turn and was looking left. I was crossing from the right and he was planning to just glide through the crosswalk and make his turn. When we got to ireland, we had to learn to look the other way first, because they drive on the opposite side of the road here.

    I'm glad you're OK!

  3. Drugs were my first thought as well. Too close for comfort!

  4. That's so dangerously crazy! Yikes! I think people are just not paying attention anymore. Really glad you didn't get hit. Take care there.

  5. They're probably thinking about the text that just came in and coming up with a response---cell phones seem to be the biggest distraction to drivers that I see.

  6. I've had that happen too and it makes me so angry. There's usually colorful language invovled:)

  7. Oh yeah, it's legal in Oregon. Gee that is scary. Shouldn't drive or inhale and drive.
    I"m glad you're okay.

  8. I have seen a lot of crazy idiot driving lately, but that takes the cake. No answers -- but I'm glad you're OK.


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