Chesters and Chickens

She waits patiently for the door to be opened. She nonchalantly steps outside and walks to the left of the patio. Slowly, she lowers her body to a semi-crouch and takes deliberate and halting steps. She reaches the 20 yard line and then, like a gazelle, she bolts forward and runs like her life is on the line. Her goal? Either Chesters or Chickens, which ever one shows its face first. This gets repeated everytime we let her out. She's so stealthy. This is dog heaven here and Scruffy has already lost weight from the sheer non stop exercise built in to a yard with loads of Chesters (squirrels) and a neighbor with chickens (afterall, she is a bird dog). Once she gets out there, she proceeds to run, for the joy of running, in crazy eight patterns until she spots something, tires out or gets call back to the house. This is one happy dog.


  1. I am so happy for your very happy dog. She's a beauty. I'm glad she's such a lovely place to run.

  2. So happy for all three of you! Go Scruffy! :-)

  3. We were just saying how much we miss Izzy running after squirrels and jumping over fallen trees. She's an old gal now and not much running. Nothing better than a happy tired dog. :-)

  4. Our dog Ginger used to creep up slowly to the corner of the house, and then burst into a full run to scare the squirrels at the bird feeder! It was just like you describe here. :) I love to hear about happy dogs!

  5. A happy home for everyone, Scruffy approves!


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