Looking A New Direction

I had the tools all along but I forgot how to call on them. 

The pain of leaving my community was like a tight ball deep within my core. It threatened to grow so much that it constricted my breath. My focus began to be what was causing the pain but I miss-focused. I was looking at the separation.

At some point during my drive through then desert I had a new understanding. The grief was normal, necessary and good. It reminded me of the love and deep friendship I had developed in the last couple of years. It would have been a tragedy if I had left and there was no one to miss or to miss me. I shifted my view.

I am truly a grateful woman. 


  1. This warms my heart.
    I have moved a great deal in my lifetime from coast to coast.
    My tip is to remember you lived where you just left your whole life.
    It won't feel like home in your new place for a bit. For me I always found by year 2 it was home. In the first year it was home because I was making it home and my loved one was with me. But by year 2 it was comfortable, easy and I no longer felt out of place. I know that can sound long but just know it will happen in your time. It may only be a few months for you. In the mean time Welcome to Oregon!


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