I'll Take A Rain Check, Please

I must admit that thus far, aside from the one week heat dome, I am loving Portland. The nights are chilly and the days are moderate to warm. I am learning to take a sweater everywhere I go. There is a lot of overcast but, so far, it is a very high ceiling, unlike at home where the May, June and July gloom would sit within hands reach, if one would just stretch out a little further.

I am a little nervous about the winter but am hopeful that I will adapt and keep a good attitude. I love rain. I have always loved rain but perhaps that is because Southern California gets so very little of it that it is a novelty. I don't think so though. Rain, to me, means life and renewal. It makes me happy. I'll check in with you sometime next April and let you know if I've had a change of heart.

My hearing has taken a turn for the worse the past week and it is incredibly frustrating and a little scary. The Boy Scout seems a bit nervous about it too, as he has to deal with it day in and day out. I am hoping it levels out before my next interview or I might have a problem catching everything. 

I miss my youngest something fierce. I miss seeing her face every morning and telling her to have a good day. I am longing for my community too. Aside from all that, I am enjoying this new adventure.   

That's it from Portland Oregon with a high today of 75° and the sun showing itself intermittently. 


  1. I saw a headline the other day in our local newspaper that the Pacific Northwest may be facing a La Nina winter. That means more rain than usual. I've lived on and off for many, many years in the Pacific Northwest. The rain, even in a particularly rainy season, didn't bother me much. I will say though that one aspect of living that far north is the winter light. The sun rises later and sets earlier than you expect. The weather and light there will give you lots of opportunities to see beautiful sunrises, rainbows, and atmospheric optics. It's so often an awesome sky. It's when I fell in love with photographing those atmospheric optics.
    I'm sure you'll find community there. Portland is a wonderful place. And I hope you and your daughter are zooming online together. And I hope you find what's going on with your hearing.
    Take care there.

  2. I hope the issue with your hearing can be resolved soon!

    I'm in love with the rain, too. I am so looking forward to the rainy season. The one thing that was a pain during winter in PDX was the day/few days there was snow and ice. That wasn't handled very well there.

  3. Can you get a hearing aid Linda? Will that be helpful or do I need to brush up on my sign language? We both took classes and are rusty but we could change that. We also know all the fun swear words. :-)
    Robin above me mentioned the winter light or lack of light. That was harder for me than rain. I think if someone had told me I'd have been prepared mentally. But it was nightime at 4pm. So I went to work in the dark and I came home in the dark. That was weird to get used to. I loved it in summer when it was light out until 10 or 11pm. That was so freaky to me but then I grew to love it.

    1. I've had hearing aids since I turned 30. They are only so much help as the hearing worsens.

      The long nights are a little worrisome but I'm hoping I can see the positive.

  4. It sounds like you are settling in well thus far. You always see the best in everything, Linda.

    Sending a hug…

  5. 75 sounds REALLY good to me right now! Do you read Marilyn of Delights of the Heart? She lives in Portland and may have some ideas, especially as you settle with new medical professionals.

    1. Thank you for the tip Jeanie! I do need some advice. I will check her out.


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