For The Love Of Me

My kids and I have a place we can share the little things going on in our life’s. It’s an app called Discord. It can be hard to find time for a phone call that you know will take more than 1/2 hour but in Discord we share our hobbies, animals, hikes, passions, moves, jobs and boring life moments with the people that care the most.  I was sharing with them my feelings about job hunting for the first time in 39 years. 

In response, I got a lot of love!

The other day I was FaceTiming with my youngest. It’s lovely to be able to connect long distance. The interesting thing about FaceTime is that you see both the person you are talking to and yourself. It's so odd to see who you are (or appear to be) to them. When I am inside myself fully, which is very often with my kids, I feel like I am 30ish. But as I talked to her and saw myself too, I realized that what she sees is an older woman with a lot of wrinkles. Funny how my skins feels smooth on my body but is far from it on the outside.

That got me thinking about the coming job interview and realize that I don't look like the ideal candidate. This culture doesn't value older people in general but older women even more so. And then there is the hearing loss. With a deep sense of uneasiness, I consider how I will even bring that subject up.

I am working hard to love myself to the best of my ability in this unusual time and have the confidence that the right work will come up. It's an uphill battle.


  1. Mmmm....been here done that. I get it.
    But you are accomplished, skilled, great work ethic and would be an asset to any company.
    I hope you find your favorite job of all time out there. Just smile and be you - you're gorgeous!

  2. Focus on your positive attributes in an interview. There is absolutely no need to mention the hearing loss unless it impacts on your ability to do the job. Moving and starting over is stressful at best, and is also a lot of hard, lonely work. Please consider finding a short term therapist to help you keep your confidence and energy level up. In time, this will all work out.

  3. Self doubt has a tendency to creep in when we are in new situations. Go with your head held high and tell them who you are and what you’ve done and can do. You’ve got this, Linda.

  4. You know what to do, you wrote it all down here. It's hard to be proud of yourself, but you have reason enough for it.

  5. I don't know what the job is, but don't set yourself up for defeat before you even go to the interview. You have experience. Judgment. Ability to synthesize data and understanding of people. You do NOT have to mention your hearing loss and with ADA they can't ask it. If it doesn't affect your ability to do the job, it's not your problem. If people don't like speaking up, that's THEIR issue. You can do this if you want it. Yes, you can!


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