A Walk In The Park

The Boy Scout had been going to the same dog park for 25 years. People and dogs come and go at dog parks, for obvious reasons. For the most part, the owners know the names of the dogs but not their humans and it was not uncommon for folks to say things like “You’re Spots dad” or “Fifi’s mom is over there”.  

But the Boy Scout single-handedly started connecting people in real and meaningful ways. So much so that they nicknamed him the mayor of Arroyo Verde park. He relished this new found role where so many folks truly liked hm for being him……just a really nice guy. 

When we left, his community threw him a going away bash with champagne and food and stories. Even people who'd lost their dogs showed up. They made him a memory book with pictures of the dogs and their humans with notes. One of his friends ruefully asked, “Who will be the keeper of the names now?” He left that park a better place than when he got there. 

On Sunday, we joined a group of new found friends (how I envy extroverts and their ability to reach out and draw in) and went to Portland’s 1,000 Acre Dog Park. They were a great group of people and I could see they were are already fond of the Boy Scout. I’m happy for him. I expected it would happen that way. 

Here's Scruffy enjoying a bit of fun in the water.


  1. This is so wonderful in every way! Those notes are so full of love. It's great knowing that Scruffy has a new park to run and roam in and that The Boy Scout is making new friends in Portland. So happy for you guys!

  2. What a touching good bye present. And it looks like there's already a great start to all of you!

  3. Connecting through a love of dogs! Yay! Nothing better. When we walk the grand-dog, we meet more people than we do on our own. Portland sounds wonderful already.

  4. I love this. He and Rick are made from the same cloth in this regard. :-)
    Rick knows all the dogs and their owners and a few weeks ago when we were outside a man we don't even know who sees us with Izzy saw our For Sale sign and stopped mid job and came over and introduced himself. He said you are the mayor of Mink Meadows - we will so miss you and Izzy. We have no idea who he even was. But he's been getting gifts from all the dog people and at night they knock on our door so they get a chance to see Iz and Rick before we leave. Me? They don't know me unless I'm with my dog - but then I don't talk to everyone like he does. The Mayor of Mink Meadows. Too funny. Good for you Boy Scout!🧡

  5. That goodbye party is WAY too cool! I love it! Well, they all DO have something in common!


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