Fancy Meeting You Here

Since the pandemic hit most of the Adult Children of Alcoholic/Dysfunction meetings have either suspended or gone to Zoom. The switch to Zoom has allowed us ACA’s to attend meetings from all around the world at any time, day or night.

A young gent who missed his own in-person meeting right after COVID began to compile a list of Zoom meetings that he found by doing google searches. He located a good calendar app, began to spread the word and it caught fire. Other people saw what he was doing and sent him requests to add their meetings and now, all over the world people are using a calendar called TeamUp that has the listings, times, subjects and links to readings and resources. It is a great idea so I volunteer my service to add, change and delete meeting listings along with 3 other people. I’ve yet to see a meeting from Russia, and not much from South America but surprisingly we’ve got Ho Chi  Minh, New Zealand and even Dubai  

Currently, my favorite meetings are as follows:

Monday @ 6am London, Tuesday @ 6am London, Wednesday @ 6:30 am Helsinki and Saturday @ 7:30 am in Munich. 

Each has its own theme, such as “Becoming Your Own Loving Parent” or “12 Steps”. I love and learn from them. Some of these meetings will go back to in-person soon, so I intend to enjoy for as long as I can. 


  1. The pandemic had at least one good thing associated with it.

  2. Two things struck me about this story - we all do have the same problems and loves, it is a small world.
    And how cool this is for global wellness and communication.

  3. How very interesting, Linda. That's a great idea.


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