Going To The Dogs

The Boy Scout has been hired on to what he calls his “dream job”. He is bartending at a golf course. So three of his favorite things, talking to people, making drinks and free golf, are wrapped up in one position.

He’s a happy camper but someone in the house is not, and that someone is NOT me.

Our gentle, sweet girl, who has become accustomed to visiting her friends at the park nearly every morning of her life, is quite beside herself. Her gift for the dramatics is shining through as she mopes around and throws her body to the ground. She’s incredibly needy now that the man is not able to get her to the park regularly. 

He will make it up to her tomorrow on his free morning and, hopefully, she will stop staring at me all day with a deep disappointment in her eyes. 


  1. Poor little girl! What a sweet (but sad!) face. She deserves an extra good adventure soon.

  2. Creatures of habit for sure. Our grand-dog stares at us when it’s walk time too and does a dance when we say the word.

    That face is adorable!

  3. Now, THAT is a fabulous face!

  4. Too bad he couldn't take her to work too!

  5. Dogs have the ability to make one feel guilty with just a look. She's a cutie.

  6. Oh, poor Scruffy--deprived of her guy and her friends at the park! Devastating ;-)

  7. She's thinking, "what's up with the boy scout", I only want to see my friends. :)


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