Do A Kindness

She’s looking for a room to rent. In this town a room with shared bathroom runs about $1,000.00 so she's on the hunt for a bargain. She’s limited on time and getting anxious to get settled before she is forced to rely on the kindness of friends who won’t remain friends for long if she overstays her welcome.

An ad is spotted and she inquires. They agree to meet at 4:00pm. As she drives up this upper middle class street, she notices that the house that is her destination is quite run down. Already, she with her proclivity for cleanliness and order, wonders if it would be best to turn around now but thinks better of it. A knock on the door gets nothing but silence. A follow up text produces the desired effect. 

At the door is an older man, but then, who isn't older when you are 24? He is disheveled and his clothes spotted but he greets her warmly with a heavy accent. He tells her he is from Iran. The house is disordered and cluttered and she already knows this will not work for her but he seems to enjoy having someone to talk to so she stays. He is house proud and shows her around, sharing with her that he has cancer and is unable to work. He is renting the rooms to help his budget. 

In the kitchen, where there are dishes everywhere and flies are flitting here and there, he tells her that he prepares and cooks food for his health. He has a yogurt culture going, bread with no gluten has been baked and vegetables are fermenting. He makes her a cup of tea and proudly offers her a piece of homemade bread. Way out of her comfort zone for cleanliness, she recognized that he is honoring her by being an excellent host so she accepts his offerings with gratitude. He offers her a small piece of chocolate and then shares how to consume it. "Put it in your mouth and then sip your tea letting it melt the chocolate", he says. She does and so does he. When he finishes he gives her a big smile....there is chocolate on his teeth and she can't help but smile back at him. He reminds her a little of her dad.

This goes on for awhile as he shares and she receives. A meeting of two people, who for just a few minutes, are friends. She will not rent the room because she knows what she is able and not able to handle. I love watching her develop excellent boundaries. Those things come in handy in life.

My girl is a dear thing. I love how she walks in this world, never judging, and with a tender heart, taking the time to connect even if it’s for a few moments. 


  1. I hope she finds the accommodations she is looking for!

    1. I hope so too. It’ll make it a little easier to leave to have her settled.

  2. I love this too. This is a fine soul and human being. Actually, both are.

  3. I find this so touching. I am glad for your daughter to have gone in and shared such a moment with this man. And for her to know her boundaries to know what she can and cannot handle. Truly beautiful story.

  4. OMG I love her! How wonderful when one takes the time to sit, listen, and make an acquaintance like that. He will not forget her! You did good Linda! I am certain you are proud of her. I am and I don't know her.

  5. What a lovely story with two beautiful characters.

  6. How lovely to share some time, two people, having tea together. Beautiful story.


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