A House Divided

I find myself in the car with the dog. She’s uptight. Usually a car ride means something fun. Not this time. We are just waiting. Up the street, I can see a car parked outside my house. The realtor arrives early to make sure everything is in order.  It’s my house, of course everything is in order. Not only is it spic and span but it smells lovely and the lights are on to brighten the rooms. 

A truck pulls up and an older, thin man pops out and walks towards my door. 

I’m of two minds.  Get the hell out of my house comes to mind first and then, I hope he has a big checkbook. He’ll need it. Even the meanest of homes are not cheap here. 

What will be will be. It’s my job to keep the house clean and to figure what I feel about this thing and how to make the very best of the less than perfect circumstance we find ourselves in. 

I’m up to the challenge. 


  1. That must indeed be hard to see strangers pawing over your house. Just keep thinking of the big chequebook!

  2. I think any change like that is so hard -- you want it gone. But to the right person, who will love it.

  3. I hope all goes well there. It's an interesting thing selling a house. Once it's done, and it's time to move, you begin the task of literally laying your hands on everything you own. Quite a chore. Roger and I have done it three times over the past 30 years. We may even do it again someday! Good luck with it all.

  4. That sure is a weird feeling seeing strangers entering your house.

  5. Yes you are up to this challenge. I too would want to watch from a distance.

  6. I hope and wish for you that this sale will be easy and let you look into a bright new future.

  7. I hope it went extremely well and no more people in your home!!

  8. Hi Linda! I hope the house is in escrow by now, at an amazing price. Good luck!


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