A Fun Day

Yesterday we golfed. We were hooked up with a single. RJ was a genial guy on his second round of 18. Despite being a bit older (maybe 75ish) he played well and was good company. He relayed that had two grown daughters, one bright, with a masters but in a business that he clearly did not approve of. I guess medical marijuana growth wasn't how he pictured her using her degree. The other, with learning disabilities but a lot of gumption, had an upscale successful salon with 5 employees, as well as an internet business. She was rocking it. Add to that the two granddaughters she had produced and her place as favored daughter was cinched. 

We mentioned to RJ that we were a fairly new couple compared to our age. He asked a couple of questions then told me that he had been married 47 years. Then, with a twinkle in his eye and a sweet smile on his face, he mentioned that he had known her for over 65 years. "Childhood sweetheart?", I asked, at which time every part of his body made clear he was a happy man. 

"We rode skateboards and climbed trees together. She was the girl next door and my best friend.", he says.

"At what age did you know? When did you know she was the one for you?", I ask.

"The Taft High School quarterback was my buddy. He mentioned that he was going to ask her out. At which point I realized how very uncomfortable that made me. It didn't sit right that she would be with someone else. We married after college. I won the lottery.", he says, looking at me with a piercing stare. 

I love fairytale endings. I had wanted one but didn't get it. What I got is much better.

A good day of life.


  1. Wonderful story. I particularly like the ending. Have a great day, Linda.

  2. Very few people win the lottery, so congrats to him.

  3. He sounded like a man who appreciates what he has. I love it.
    Sounds like ya'll had a great day. 'On my first date with Rick I went home and called my sister at 1am to tell her I was in trouble. I was moving for my career, I couldn't get involved with someone but I knew there was something there. But we decided to be friends as you know for years. Harry Met Sally. Who knew they'd make a movie of our life? 😂

  4. Sweet story of a long romance and love. Just seeing the words "Taft High School" sent me back in time to when my family first moved to California from NJ in 1970. My sister did her senior year there. I haven't thought of that in so long.

  5. I love this post. A very good day of life for all concerned.

  6. That is incredibly sweet. I love the ending too. And I love YOUR ending. And I'm glad you got a fun day out, too!

  7. What a great story and now more people know about it. Thanks for sharing, Linda.

  8. These kinds of chance encounters and the stories that are shared in them are so cool and this one is no exception!


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