I Remain......

Isn’t life funny?

For the first time in my 58 years I feel connection. I have a couple of dear friends of my heart and a sweet, younger friend that has walked side by side with me in our healing process. There is a small group of ladies I truly enjoy. I have fallen in love with my neighbors and the feeling of belonging that has come with the blooming friendships is fresh and wonderful. And then there is Nancy, our 95 year old friend, with whom saying goodbye would be so very hard.

I’ve watched as the Boy Scout has also learned what it is to be honest and vulnerable. He is more and more setting aside his ego for something better. 

As we face this coming change, I am clinging to what I have here in this tiny house. Not the things but true kinship.

My mantra shall be, “Remain open to the possibilities”.  Perhaps if I say it enough, I will eventually feel it in my heart.


  1. something wonderful is about to happen for you and the boy scout!

  2. You will take your heart experiences with you wherever you go. They will hold you in good stead. Thinking of you…

  3. Yes, stay open and loving! May the future hold good things for you!

  4. I find change fun and exciting but also a bit scary. It always works out though just maybe not the way you think or expect. Have a wonderful Sunday, Linda.

  5. Kinship is the best, my friend. Above all else.

  6. Sounds like you are heading in the right direction. Trust yourself.


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