Have To Be Movin’ Along

We have been on the road for 5 days. It has been a roller coaster of a ride. Sometimes light hearted laughter and fun, sometimes fear of the unknown has been too strong and would overtake one or both of us. Honestly, neither of us had ever considered leaving California. It’s home. His, a small paradise called Santa Barbara and mine, the greater Los Angeles area which has its beauty if you know where to look. Together we made our life in Ventura. Truthfully thought we’d die there. 

We will leave behind my youngest child, my 5 siblings, their spouses and children, his 2 surviving siblings, dear friends and extended family and basically what we know, the familiar. We will take with us way too much shit and our dog, who will love Washington  

Washington/Oregon are quite lovely to look at. We’ve found a few neighborhoods that we think we could call home. Money is not going quite as far as we had hoped but then, when does it ever? A tiny, growing town called Ridgefield is top on our list. It’s quaint, has a quite a few BLM and Love is Love signs which encourages me that we could find some like minded people and is near water. Boys Scout sees himself getting a little boat and doing some fishing. I see myself gardening with ample water. Who knows. 

One thing I have learned in my recovery process is if I allow myself to feel my feelings instead of numbing them, they come and they go. They don’t dig in and grab hold. The tears I shed yesterday morning and the suffocating fear of losing my job of 38 years led to a quiet subdued day but this morning I feel stronger. 

It’s overcast this morning so no sunrise. Disappointing. But we golf for the first time later today and that’ll be fun. 

Linda and Boy Scout on the move. Watch out!


  1. CA to WA is a big step. still within reach of family. looks like a cute town. GO FOR IT!

  2. New beginnings are exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time, but both make you feel extra alive!

  3. My very best wishes, my the road rise up to meet you.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That sounds like a promising area and you'll be only 20 miles from Portland, OR which is a great city.

  6. New adventures await! Scary but exciting too.

  7. I can't imagine having to leave everything and move on. I hope it goes well for you two.

  8. That's a valuable lesson to learn and I admire you more than I can say for how you are dealing with this. All good thoughts for finding the perfect spot in your new states.

  9. I moved 400 miles north for a new life in 2012..it isn't easy.
    But you will do well

  10. Hi Linda,
    You asked if I'd share a bit about Oregon and I posted this on my blog, but then it dawned on me that you might not see it, so I will put it here, too.
    Yes, I am happy to share my thoughts on Oregon. It really is like two different states. Would you feel comfortable with email? My email is: shariannburke AT gmail.com (you know, @ for AT and no spaces :-)

    If you want to send me an email there, I can reply directly to you or, if that's not cool with you, I can reply here. Either way, I look forward to hearing from you!

    I know this is a tough move/situation for you and I truly hope you will find a place you love and are happy in!

  11. Lily has a new name for her blog.


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