Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

As we contemplate leaving this home, city and state we love, we are somewhat restricted by circumstance who we are allowed to share the news with. The few we have chosen have been loving and supportive. I am grateful.

Had a long, lovely talk with my best girlfriend yesterday. We sat, ate our lunch, cried a little and just were present for each other. This morning I woke to this:

Good morning my sweet friend. I’m having a very difficult time wrapping my head around this. Selfishly, I don’t want you to leave. You are my very closest friend. I enjoy and look forward to seeing you every week. And I look forward to our conversations. But more than anything, I want to support you in any decision that you make. This has got to be incredibly difficult for you and I am here to do whatever I can to help, support and encourage. Whatever happens within the next few months I have no doubt that our friendship will forever be! I love you Linda! Hang in there! I. Always and only a phone call away😘--

Like I said, I am truly grateful.

I guess the idea of a best friend is a bit of a childish notion but I have almost always had a single "go to" person in my life. For most of my 57 years it was my mother. After she passed there was a deep, dark chasm that took quite a long time to fill. It was a lonely time but now I have Jill (and, of course, the Boy Scout).

Do you have a single person that comes to mind when you think "best friend"?


  1. My BFFs are My Rare One and my sister. I want to pass along a story about another friend, though. She moved to a new city in her 50s after losing her job as a bookkeeper/accountant with a school division. On a tip from another friend, she found a new job working with the books at a government bingo hall/casino. Just thought I'd mention that since the gambling industry is not the first career spot that leaps to most people's minds but hey, they need trustworthy people around their money too.

  2. Several good friends but no bestie here. You are fortunate to have a best friend.

  3. my blog friends are my best friends. I just wish we all lived closer to one another.

  4. I had a best friend for years until she decided is was too angry, too much I guess. She cut me off. She had done this to others in her past and I stood by and watched, never guessing it would be my turn one day. Her loss.

    Have another friend whom I've known for almost thirty years and we call each other sista. I love her.

  5. I have two, maybe three. My local best friend. My oldest best friend (who lives far away) and our best friend couple. All three are ones I can count on for being there for the good, bad and ugly of life -- first to help if needed, listen, share and care. And, along with that, to laugh with and play with.

  6. I have a best friend that I could not imagine not having in my life. We'd been like sisters since we were four years old. Some souls hold your heart forever.

  7. I went through this 7 years ago when we retired and moved from NYS to Central Florida. I didn't mind leaving my house. I was sad to leave my established gardens and northern flowers. But I was devastated to leave my friends. However, in the past year and a half 2 more have retired and then came the pandemic. We started to Zoom every week, the 4 of us. It makes a huge difference to have them in my life on a regular basis once again.

  8. Yes,and it takes a move away sometimes to show who they are.
    My best friend of 44 years died a few years, not a partner. We were just in tune although not able to meet often. I can still call to him for what would he say to my query? He always knew how to get me to ask myself the right questions.


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