The Old Gray Mare, She Just Ain't What She Used To Be....

Business is very slow and I don't feel confident that my contract will be renewed next year. I am, therefore, for the first time in 35 years, applying for jobs.

At 57 this is a humbling experience. I am very qualified for most accounting positions, except those requiring CPA or bachelor degrees. I got my degree in the school of life and done OK for myself. Back to the humbling part......each time I send out the resume there is a part of me that wishes I could condense my work experience into a shorter timeframe but I can't get away from the fact that my first Payroll job was in 1985.

Having sent out at least 25 resumes, thus far this is what I have heard........

Ah well, not completely unexpected.

I forge forward.....I've got a number of good earning years in front of me. I need something to fill more of my time. I'd really like to be socking away a little bit of dough for retirement. Mostly, I'd love a little help paying my $1000.00 per month health insurance bill. Yep! $1000.00 per month with a $3000.00 a year co-pay. Can you believe it?

More and more I am thinking of getting a job with one of the local cities. Good benefits and paid insurance. That would mean an extra  $15000.00 in my pocket per year right off the bat. 

Wish me luck.


  1. $1000/month! How can people afford that. I couldn't, well I could be wouldn't be able to go on a holiday or do anything fun. Wow. That is messed up. I would definitely go someplace with security and health care.

  2. I hear ya; at 66, it's tough to find another job. I was laid off almost 1 year ago.

  3. The best decision I ever made was getting a job at UC Santa Cruz. I loved the work, and the retirement benefits have made my life so much easier. If you can find a job at a local city, school, university, county, etc, do it! I hope you find something that you love.

  4. Good luck with your job search and yes, definitely apply to local municipal governments! In fact, any government!

  5. You need to be making a great salary to compensate for the cost of insurance. Unbelievable. Good luck, Linda. Hope you find a great job soon.

  6. Good luck in your search! I was able to find another job after being laid off at 53, so you know it's doable. At least you have the benefit of still being employed while you're looking! Just be discreet.

  7. The health insurance is out of control. It really stinks when someone has to pay that much as they get older. Hopefully you'll be lucky and find exactly what you need.

  8. Much good luck. I wish we had a national health insurance option. It's so expensive. I hope you find something with good benefits.

  9. The cost of your health insurance is crazy! Wishing you the best in your hunt for a job with benefits!


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