I'm Feelin Ya

I wasn't taught how to express anger or how to own my feelings. In fact, I remember being quieted or dismissed. I heard "Don't be silly" a lot. I am learning now.

The other day, while golfing, the Boy Scout brought the golf cart up from behind me quite speedy and kind of close. If one is a hearing person, your hearing would have warned you that a golf cart was coming up from your left side and getting closer. If you are HOH, your brain is somewhere else because it is not concerned with anything except the really good chip shot onto the green. The cart sweeping by startled me. 

Now I don't startle well. Don't surprise me, don't jump out, don't make loud noises expecting me to get a kick out it or hoping for a good laugh. You will be disappointed. The best you will get is a disgruntled woman. The worst.....a good tongue lashing.

I said to the man, "Don't do that please, it scares me." He got out of the cart and said, basically, that while he could understand what I was saying, if I thought it through to the end I would realize that there wasn't a problem and there was no need to be scared because he would never hurt me.

We go on to the green and putt the balls and are walking back to the cart, I turned to him and said my piece. "Don't tell me what I should feel. I have the right to my feelings. If that scares me....it damn well scares me!"

He looked at me, surprised, and apologized and said that I was right.

1 point for Linda for stating her feelings calmly

1 point for Linda for not allowing someone to tell her how to feel or shame her for feeling something

1 point for Boy Scout for being gracious enough to admit that he was wrong.

Kind of a win/win

Pretty basic but some of us learn later in life.


  1. that was not nice of the boy scout. good for you to stand up for yourself!

    1. Thank you, thank you! I stand on the shoulders of better women.

  2. Most excellent. Yesterday the big guy was snippy with me at work and I told him four reasons why he shouldn't have been snippy with me. I can't read him mind. I had no idea 12 other people had just asked him the same question. I was asking him a question related to our conversation on the way into work and I'm his wife. He apoligized and then explained why he was snippy. He's teaching me to debate, much to his detriment:)

    As for the boyscout, you can't hear! How are you supposed to know it was him and nobody some other idiot. I hate being scared too. I tend to yell, very loudy. Ask my coworkers. And good for you telling him. I hope I remember that because I hate being told, "Oh, don't be mad". Fuck you. I can get mad.

    1. Yes ma'am you do and have EVERY RIGHT TO BE MAD!

  3. I love this. Good for you for speaking out. Maybe one day I'll learn to be better at that myself.

    1. Today is a new day and all of us can learn, right?

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Marie.....I am pleased with myself.

  5. Well done! I think a lot of us have that "training" (or lack thereof). I'm glad you reached beyond it.

  6. I love it! Men are clueless let's face it. The Boy Scout is a fine man, but they aren't mind readers and they sure as hell don't see clues even if waved in their face so us telling them what we are feeling they 'should' understand and when they get it, it's great isn't it? Good for the both of you! You're da bomb Linda! That lesson was taught to me by a therapist, glad you learned it without having to pay...tee hee

  7. A win and bonus points for you!


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