Take A Picture

We go for rides. 

We ride, talk, listen to music, listen to books and just explore. We regularly watch the sunset over the Pacific Ocean or drive to our favorite Mexican restaurant in Solvang, about an hour and half up the coast. It’s relaxing as we talk of what was and what is and what will be. 

Yesterday we went south east towards Los Angeles, with no destination in mind. We got off the freeway in a city called Westlake and started heading back towards home. Suddenly we both spot water.....what a surprise. So we checked it out. Turns out a big wig from Lockheed bought a large piece of property in the 40’s and ranched it until it was bought by a developer. That developer dug a small lake and built 750 homes around it and the surrounding area and called it Lake Lindero. There are boats but, in reality, it was not really big enough to get single man racing shell to full speed. It's a tiny body of water.

Turning a corner we were on a street with run down condos. Out front, in the shared grassy area, we spotted a small group of people. Getting closer, it was evident that a small family was celebrating a child's birthday COVID style.

The family looked to be on the lower end of income levels. The oldest child, dressed as a princess in different shades of sparkling blue, was maybe 4 or 5. There was a toddler boy and an infant being held in mom's arms. They were all dancing around to music we could not hear because our windows were rolled up. Dad, looking more than a little uncomfortable and toddler son were each wearing what appeared to be a blow up airplane around their middles, making them look like pilots from a cartoon. It was the sweetest of scenes and I hoped that mom and dad committed it to their memories, that moment of free spirited joy, to cherish as the children grow up and eventually leave.

The Boy Scout prodded me to go back and take a picture but I felt it would be an intrusion. I will remember though.

The most beautiful moments always seemed to accelerate and slip beyond one’s grasp just when you want to hold onto them for as long as possible.
E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly, 


  1. Oh so true. When you’re in those moments, you don’t always realize their importance. Living in the moment is the key to a lifetime of memories. While you may forget the details, the memory of family and the love shared stay in your heart.

  2. That is a beautiful moment. Boy Scout was probably right -- but oh, it would be fun to see. Alas, it remains a photograph of the heart.

  3. What a wonderful life moment. If you took a picture, you wouldn't have captured the moment you experienced. The family would have acted different too. As much as that would have been a great photo, I would pass too. You'll remember that moment for a very long time because it was special. Enjoy your day, Linda.

  4. I hope this is not a rude question but I thought you were alone now. Your writing is beautiful.

  5. My marriage ended 7 years ago. I’ve have the Boy Scout for about 6 years. We were very rocky for awhile but finally god some healing and help. Life is pretty good.


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