Works Like A Charm

When I was 12, I received the only gift my father ever gave me.

It must have come in the mail because he had been AWOL for some time. The 7 of us were left to clean up after the storm. Only problem was we didn't have rakes and shovels, more like toothpicks and straws. So the gift came and was met with disdain on my part. I had to be mad, for myself, for my mother's sake. Besides, I was way too old for the gift. Didn't he know that? Of course not, he didn't know me at all. If he did, he would have understood how hurt and damaged I was by his abandonment, but that's another story.

That was 45 years ago. That gift, object of my scorn, somehow managed to stay with me through 9 moves. I got older and it stayed the same. I reconciled with that man and eventually came to love and appreciate his friendship but I never wore the gift.

Recently, during a deep cleaning, it appeared again but this time I just smiled and remember that handsome man who was so afraid of dying because of the way he had lived. I was able to comfort him in the end, stroking his beautiful white hair, letting him know how much I loved him. 

I took it to the jewelers, added a little extra on the end so that it would fit. I told my Gigi girl this story while we were at the jeweler and we decided to pick something that spoke of him in my heart. This bracelet is a reminder that kindness and forgiveness are a precious gift to both the giver and receiver.

The motorcycle on the end is for him. I think I'll pull it out once in awhile and give it a spin. One is never too old for a sweet memory.


  1. Lovely piece of jewelry!
    I'm all for giving and forgiveness.

    1. Makes the world a better place to live in, doesn’t it?

  2. What a nice story, thanks for sharing.

  3. I love this story and the bracelet. It takes a long time to grow up, doesn’t it? But if we are lucky,we do. This is just the best story. Hugs.

  4. As I wipe away the tears, I smile and say, “Thank you, Linda, for sharing such a beautiful story.”

    This bracelet is priceless!


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