With Friends Like This, Who Needs People?

Right now I am thinking of my sweet little dog who has been loyally by my side for these last 10 years. She has seen me at my best and worst and never once judged me (well, once in awhile she made me feel ashamed of myself).

She is slowing down a lot, showing signs of discomfort, walking like an old russian babushka with arthritis in every joint. Her back legs are starting to give out and we've notice episodes of confusion settle over her. She has been well treated by the vet, all options taken in consideration.

I'm not one to let nature take its course if nature has sunk her claws in. I want to treat her as humanely as I would like to be treated, which means not dragging out months and months of pain in order to not have to deal with my own feelings of grief or loss. I thought today was going to be the day but she's not ready quite yet. She will tell me when she is.


  1. Sophie has a sweet little face! She trusts you to not let her suffer unnecessarily and you will not let her down.

  2. Such a tough decision. I feel for you and that sweet pup.

  3. awwwwwwwwwww, precious furkid. sophie will let you know when she is ready to cross the rainbow bridge.

  4. So hard! Sending lots of love your way.

  5. Oh Sophie. I so understand this. I'm sorry though that you have to deal with this painful transition.

  6. A tough decision indeed but you'll know when it is the right time. I used to worry about that but our animals knew when they were ready. Hugs to you both.

  7. They do tell you. And it is so, so hard when they do. But I remember my vet saying, "letting go is the one gift we can give them." And that helped a little. And in time, a lot. I wish we could do that for the people we loved, too.

    1. Oh me too Jeanie. We are kinder to our pets than we are to our loved ones in transition.


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