These Eyes

I am no younger than 5 or 6. I am in a car with my dad and am in the front seat even though that was a very rare occurrence with 5 siblings in the house. He is driving a car with a greyish green metal dashboard. The radio is one that most of us of a certain age would recognize immediately. Music is playing. It is the Guess Who and, for whatever reason, my dad didn’t want to listen to it.  His big fingers reach up to push a yellowish button that I could tell was white before years of sun and dirty hands changed it to its now dingy color. I don’t remember what song or news came up after that. In fact, that is the extent of my memory, brought up just from hearing the song, but sweet just the same. I have precious few early memories of dad and the ones I can bring up easily are mostly scary. I'll keep this one tucked in my heart.


  1. Yes, music can be so evocative of memories, can't it? The Guess Who evokes a lot of good memories for me too -- they were the biggest band to ever come out of Manitoba where I grew up. Before they became an international success, they were often featured on a half-hour music "sock hop" kind of show broadcast locally out of Winnipeg. My Mom, kid sister and I would dance around in the living room to their music. Good times!

  2. oh gawd, that radio! my grandpop's car had one and I was allowed to play any station I wanted when I was in that car.

  3. One of my favorite songs way back then.

  4. Oh I love me some Burton Cummings and The Guess Who. I had a serious crush on this voice! Went to Toronto to see them many many times! My father would never have let me change the car channel. Once he got in my car when I was all of 19 and tried to change my radio station and I did to him what he did to me, slap his hand and say, "when you're in my car it's my radio" and I have never ever seen my father laugh so hard in his life. He had to listen to my music for a change. thanks for that memory flashback.

  5. I only had one brother, and then, only one child myself so often I had alone time with my parents and later, with my daughter. However, now I have three grandchildren and I understand how precious that alone time is with each of them. Hold on to those rare good memories of your dad. He’s smiling from beyond!

  6. I love it when memories pop in like that! Like a little gift.


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