Sugar Daddy

My man is diabetic. Has been for as long as I’ve known him. It’s very hard for me to NOT speak up when he is eating, or not eating, like he’s a diabetic. I am trying to learn to keep it to myself, allowing him to make those choices, good or bad, but a part of me wants to smack him on top his head. And still I struggle with the idea of my partner in life seems to have a little bit of a death wish. 

I’m a work in progress  


  1. No, your man is a work in progress. :-) You are doing what you need to do. I get this more than you know. While my man may not be diabetic he has been treating his body like it's trash and it makes me angry to watch. But I can only say so much. He is an adult. But I have to say it's difficult and there are days I wish to scream at him that I love him and want him to live longer with me so stop it! I have said that in various ways but...

  2. my spouse is the same. as his primary care MD told me, "he makes his choices and has to live with the consequences. and I can do nothing about it." true.

  3. You should interfere, either directly, or even better, indirectly, by keeping the kitchen free of sweet products. It will be good for the whole family.

  4. He's not being a good example. People die of diabetes so he should take it seriously. There are plenty of sad stories out there about people who just brushed it off. Don't give up!

  5. My husband was just diagnosed with diabetes. I understand how you feel.


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