Sour Grapes

Hatred, bigotry and misogyny are alive and well but the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga isn’t tolerating it. At least not from its offensive lineman coach Chris Malone who felt it wise to tweet:

“Congratulations to the state of GA and Fat Albert @staceyabrams because you have truly shown America the true works of cheating in an election again!!! Enjoy the buffet Big Girl! You earned it!!! Hope the money was good, still not governor!”

Thank you Chris for showing your true colors. Did you have a little too much to drink and let your guard down? Did your puffed up ego make you think you could say whatever you wanted with impunity? Either way, enjoy that receding hairline and the job hunt. I hear unemployment pays but not great. 

PS. Biden won. 

PSS Stacey Abrams rocks the free world.


  1. fucking white male fuck! EAT SHIT AND DIE, MAGAt!

  2. I would normally say unbelievable but I believe anything after this week.

    I admire Stacey Abrams.

  3. Goddesses like Stacey Abrams don't pay no never mind to flatulent asshats like him.

  4. I don't understand people anymore. As Marie said, after this week, I'd believe anything....

  5. The country could use more Stacey Abrams.


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