Nowhere Man

My boy and his partner have given up their apartment in Portland. They have sold or donated almost all of their worldly goods. They have plane tickets dated 4 days from now heading for London so that his partner can start graduate school in a month. They plan to stay for 3 years.

When they get there, they have an AirBNB reserved for 2 weeks. They had hoped to use that two weeks to find an apartment for this school year. When they get there (if they get there), they will be on  lockdown. 

So basically, nowhere to live if they go and nowhere to live if are forced to stay.

I am trying to remember that this is not my job. They will work this out one way or another and don't need me to ask or meddle. How is that, not that good but I am trying.


  1. Be strong, Mom! They are adults and can handle it!

  2. Oh as a mom you can ask, but no comment or meddling. That is the hard part :-)
    Not that you asked but...My parents never approved of a thing I did. They asked, I answered, I say the eye rolls and I heard all the comments. I resented them for it. So you are doing the right thing as hard as it is! BTW, after I did those things and was successful beyond anything they could have imagined they changed their tune, they even said they never said any of those things to me. How funny that it hurt me deeply yet they didn't even remember it.
    Sadly I never forgot. So I'm a bad daughter I guess. It gets buried but for whatever reason not too deep. It rears it's head sometimes and I'm an old fart. So I understand how hard this must be but my God I'd have loved you as my mom! You are trying and doing it so that is what counts!

  3. yep, they are adults, they will work it out. yes, you are worried about them. but they will find a way. trust in their decision making process.

  4. It is hard as a Mama to step back when your babies are grown. He’ll work it out. He’s your boy after all.

  5. You're right. Not your job. But it isn't easy, is it? After today, I think I'd feel better in London, too.


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