No Words

 Out on a beautiful little hike with the Boy Scout, enjoying the cool weather. The sky was amazing.  

What can I say, this is hiking California style and all is dry and dead looking until February ish.  

As we walked, I got text from the Secret Keeper.  I had checked in on him and this was his reply:

He wakes early to be sure that he is ready to get picked up by his family. He takes a shower, dresses, has oatmeal. After the morning routine is done he then goes out on the front porch to wait and wait, it's been two hours. They must be running late like other times. He returns to he room to lay down as he is tired from his meds. He wakes up with no messages, it's now 4, he gets back into bed to keep warm and falls asleep again, nothing else to do. Later that night he is reminded that he had the wrong day., Shit, who's mind is this anyway, not mine...

Heart hurting, I could have sat and cried for this man who was once my best friend and who walked through this world so gently. This man who loved his kids fiercely and made them his top priority, teaching them how to play in a way I never could.  Camping out, making s’mores, singing silly songs and using anything they could find to make crafts from nature. That was never me.  

He’s lost and doesn’t know how to find himself. He’s sick and a sick man is in charge of his own care. How I wish things were different. 


  1. Such a heartbreaking message and beautiful photos together.

  2. You’ve worked hard for the life you have now. You deserve every minute of enjoyment. I wish him well.

  3. Robin and Lily said what was in my heart. Heartbreaking. And I know this must feel so heavy for you to hear and absorb.

  4. First - "enjoying the cool weather" Who are you and what did you do to my friend Linda?

    The rest of this is so heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. ((hugs))

  5. Good luck to him, he definitely could use some. Nice photos of where you walked, it does look rather brown and dry but so do a lot of other places.

  6. That's so sad, about the Secret Keeper. I wish him luck and a way forward into a more peaceful and healthier existence.


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