Love Actually

In general, I consider myself somewhat jaded, eschewing overly sweet rom-coms, most love ballads (the American band Bread makes me nauseous) and all the formulaic sickly sweet romance novels ie Sparks, Hannah, Carr, Garwood, etc. Just not for me!

That being said, for the last 17 years, I have sat like a silly fool with a goofy smile on my face as I, once again, sit through my second favorite movie. From the moment it starts until the final credits (and even during the credits) there I sit, grinning. I still laugh at all the places I laughed the first time. And, funnily enough, so does the boy scout,  all the while throwing out lines before they are said, which is quite OK with me. He booms or mumbles things like:

  • "There was more than one lobster at the birth of Jesus?"
  • "If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around."
  • "Silence is golden. As the Tremeloes said."
  • "Beautiful Aurelia, I've come here with a view of asking you to marriage me. I know I seems an insane person - because I hardly knows you - but sometimes things are so transparency, they don't need evidential proof. And I will inhabit here, or you can inhabit with me in England."
  • "Just in cases"
If you haven't seen it (where have you been?) then you should. If you haven't seen it for awhile, it holds up pretty well for this girl. And if nothing else, there is always Colin Firth.


  1. I always enjoy this movie too. It's sweet.

  2. COLIN FIRTH! (swoons) I am a sucker for a british accent.

  3. Love that movie too. I always laugh at Christmas Vacation like I did the first time I saw it.

    1. It's a good time to laugh.....I know I need it.

  4. That airport arrival scene at the end. Even my father in law cried over it.

  5. I completely understand about Colin Firth. Yes, indeed.

  6. I never watch that movie without tears at the end. And Í've seen it every year, too -- and sometimes more than once. I always cry in the same places (especially the restaurant proposal!). Like White Christmas -- as soon as Dean Jagger walks into the barn and all the soldiers are there, I week uncontrollably. Hot wired.

    1. Yup. It gets me at the opening credits. And I let it flow.

  7. I guess I've been hiding. Never heard of this movie and had to google it to see if your title was the name of the movie. The last and only holiday movie I watched was, It's a Wonderful Life with James Stewart and that was around 2000. :)


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