Have You Changed?

A sort of ground hog day:
  1. Wake up
  2. Pull clothing off the floor and put it on
  3. Go out back door, go into garage/family room door.
  4. Work
  5. Sometimes errands/food/read
  6. Watch a little TV
  7. Remove clothing onto floor
  8. Wake up
Nowhere to go and nothing much to do so......very little laundry. A bra means a very special occasion, sweats are my new uniform. I will change if necessary but so far.......


  1. yep, I hear ya. one day blends into the next. HNY to you and the boy scout and your family, linda. glad you are part of my blog family!

    1. The same to you Anne Marie. So glad to have you in my circle.

  2. I put on a clean t-shirt and pair of panties today. My work here is done.

  3. Lots of us seem to be caught in that process. :) We have now entered lockdown #3 at least to Jan 31st and most likely longer. I guess the repeat button will be used for a while longer.
    To a happy and healthy 2021 for you and the boy scout.

    1. To you and yours also Bill. Thankfully photography hasn't been banned.

  4. Here, we have Sunday and the rest is Mondays. I forget what the other days used to be.

  5. It is very monotonous and I've mostly given up on bras as well. Nothing to see here people:)

    Some days I don't even shower which I never though would happen, days I'm not working. I guess I'm lucky that I still go out to go to work. We have a small outbreak at our facility, so yay for that.

    Happy New Year Linda!

    1. To you and yours too Lily. 2021 must get better, if for nothing else at least Trump is leaving.

  6. Yup. January 1. And that's OK. (I only wear a bra now when I have to go out!)

  7. I wore proper clothes to an appointment and all I could think about was coming home to get in my pandemic mode of clothing. My boobs were fighting with each other they wanted out of that contraption! I made it home in time....aawh...bra off, sweatshirt and leggings on with bare feet. Whew.


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