Are You A Sore Thumb?

Our neighbor's daughter graduated from college yesterday.

Her commencement was lovely. Cap and gown donned, she walked unsteadily but resolutely to receive her diploma and gave her speech to the rapt listeners. Her little private college in Arizona had a "graduate only" policy. She, therefore, had a choice to drive the 450 miles and graduate alone OR she could stay home and do the deed with the ones she loves. She opted for the latter.

We gathered outside (well spaced) and celebrated her achievement. One neighbor with a scholarly look to him, also capped and gowned (and, of course, masked), handed the diploma to the graduate. It was a lovely time. Probably not how she pictured it but it wasn't half bad.

As we talked, the subject of nudism came up. One neighbor smiled sheepishly and admitted that she and her hubby both leaned that direction. The graduate and her sister admitted that mom was a great big nudist and used any excuse at all to get naked and go out and play ("hey it's raining" or "it's Monday after 2:00"). Mom then looked at grandma, who is a 90lb, white haired cutie, and quickly finked the she was responsible for instilling in her the heart of a nudist. Grandma smiled, all pink cheeked. The Boy Scout, too, sings to the glory of being naked.

I think it all started with the outdoor shower. We recently got one and they all oooh and aaahed over it. I was baffled. Big fricken deal. I sat there like I was wearing jeans at a gala. Brought up in a Mormon house, naked was not only frowned upon, it "just wasn't done". Don't forget, that's the group that brought to the world the idea of a 24/7 undergarment to protect them from evil. We (my siblings and I) are a prudish bunch. I think I am too old to change my ways even if I wish I could. The outdoor shower will be GREAT.....for bathing the dogs.


  1. Growing up in a situation where I was abused by pornography wielding men, I am not inclined to be naked or anything close to it outdoors. It would be highly traumatic for me.

    1. Very understandable Shari. I hadn't thought of it as a luxury but, in that way, it is. The luxury of the unburdened soul.

  2. I once tried the nudist thing many, many years ago. Maybe it was Wheeler's Ranch in the early 1970s (or not). It felt crazy to be naked around so many people. I think I only lasted one day. Then I was out of there, clothes on and very grateful to have them.

    1. Makes me uncomfortable just reading about it.

  3. spouse and I are 90% naked in the house. but we would never do it outside. several of my blog friends are nudists.

  4. Growing up in a Catholic family, everyone would have been appalled just thinking about it.

  5. God made me chubby so I'd keep my clothes on but otherwise....

    1. Hmmmmm. I don’t think the nudist give a darn about being a little thick. My auntie and uncle did it into their 70’s.

  6. Reminds me when we started to go on summer holidays to Denmark in the late 1960s, my parents bought a small summer house on the coast with some friends and relatives for a private time share. The first summer, we all wondered why the outdoor faucet was so high up until we saw what the Danish families did. It wasn't necessarily nudist but certainly no fear of being naked for a while.

  7. Yeah, not for me. I admire the inhibition. But I'm way too inhibited for that!

  8. Hahahahahaha but jeez, how does the topic of nudism "just come up"?

    1. The supposed luxury of the outdoor shower.......

  9. I had to laugh when I read this. As I get older and less attractive physically, I don't mind being naked as much which is a strange thing indeed.

    I didn't realize you were raised Mormon. That would definitely put a damper on nudism.

    Merry Christmas Linda and sending hugs.


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