Let's Call It A Wash

Today we will get our washer and dryer hooked up for the first time in about 6 weeks.

In a time of a pandemic, the laundromat has been particularly uncomfortable. In a muggy building, sometimes crowded and not always as clean as I would prefer, it seems counterintuitive for good health. For the most part, masks were requested and present but, still, there was discomfort.

The benefits are that we pump out 7 or 8 loads of laundry in about 2 hours. Boy Scout and I work together well, getting it done efficiently with minimal amount of clothing ruinage. 

If you care one iota for your clothing, the laundromat is tough. I notice that many people come in and put everything they own in two large washers and then shove it all into two dryers. I understand why. The cost is surprising doing it the way we do it, with like colors, cold delicate loads, 1 hot water bleach load, along with rugs and dog beds. $40 bucks a pop, every 5 days or so, really adds up. 

I'll be glad to start my washer up again tonight. Feeling grateful.


  1. Congrats on the new washer/dryer!

  2. I remember those laundromats, don't miss them at all. We always and still use a drying rack for drying our clothes. All rentals here come with washers and dryers and that's nice.

  3. Oh I feel your laundromat pain. When mine was down for 4 weeks I didn't care for the laudromat but it also wasn't during the pandemic.If like me I was never so happy to do laundry again as I was having my washer back. :-) So happy you have your laundry done at home now!

  4. Quite costly to do the laundry as you like it done. Enjoy the new washer and dryer...not something one says often.

  5. Hahahahaha, those memes are PERFECT for this post!

  6. I only use the laundromat when I am washing comforters. It amazes me how expensive it is, though and I feel so very sorry for the people who don't have a choice.

    1. I agree completely about that. So expensive and the poor and marginalized population have little option.

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  8. Oh, you'll be so thrilled to be able to do laundry at home -- whenever you want! Three cheers!


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