It's Good To Hear Your Voice

The other day I was having lunch with my two boys and their partners. It was lovely to be with them. It's been about a year since seeing their faces and, even though we talk on occasion and text often, there was a slight level of discomfort....a little ill at ease, getting to know each other again.

One of the partners was talking about something, I cannot remember what it was. I was listening intently, which I have to do all the time if I want to be a part of the conversation, but the mask is a barrier that makes it harder even in the best of situations. I noticed my son move a little and realized that he, on the sly, reminded his partner to remove her mask and speak up a bit. She promptly did so but, admittedly, I felt a little embarrassed. I can't explain just why but it was what I felt. Later, there was talk about how my peeps have to learn to turn down the volume after speaking to me on the phone or in other situations where they find themselves bellowing. It's a bit of a family joke which I can laugh at with part of my brain but, honestly, feel like I might be the butt of jokes when I am not around. They are not mean hearted....quite the opposite in fact but.......... I dunno.....just what I am feeling this morning. 

Lately, the golf course seems a much lonelier place too. I often walk the course and the Boy Scout usually rides but I tee off from different tees than the guys and my ball doesn't go quite as far so I find myself fairly alone for the 4 1/2 hours. It gives me time to concentrate on my skills (or lack of them) but the guys are busy gabbing, jabbing and joking. Unless I am right next to them (and sometimes not even then) I can't really grasp the entire meaning of what is being said. Just snippets. 

Today I will focus on what I am grateful for and search for a way to be grateful for my inability to hear. Making the best of a not-so-great situation. I'd like to be that person so I will keep on trying. 

Wishing you a ton of gratefulness today!


  1. Sorry to hear of your struggles with hearing loss, it must be very frustrating! In the meantime, have a good Thanksgiving!

  2. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving with your family.

  3. grateful for you being a blog friend of mine! have a safe day with the boy scout and your family!

  4. It has to be hard to adjust to hearing loss yourself and then deal with how it affects others. Take care, Linda. Thinking of you this Thanksgiving weekend.


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