Connecting The Dots

 Happy Friday my blogging friends.

We had our Thanksgiving and it was sweet and lovely. Missed my older girl and her partner so much. He's a unique and kind individual that takes conversations to a whole new level. She is quieter, listens intently and provides a special form of unconditional love and non-judgement that inspires me to be better. Maybe next year.

Boy Scout outdid himself with this scaled down version of my favorite holiday. 

I've found a YouTube channel that I adore. It is called Green Renaissance and it describes itself like this:

We are on a journey to inspire change - creating beautiful, meaningful stories. Through our films, we explore what it means to be human. We share conversation with ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We’ve always said that if each film touches just one person, fills them with a bit more hope, or leaves them feeling more inspired, then it has achieved its goal.

It enhances my spiritual journey by encouraging  connection to this world and my fellow beings in a more meaningful way.

Find your Tribe. Love them hard.


  1. Love those last two sentences! Perfect!

  2. I found my tribe with all my blog friends! :)

  3. Thanks for the recommendation on the channel. I will definitely check it out. We all need our tribe.


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