A Good Day

Yesterday I got my hair done for the first time in awhile.

My girl, who is doing her internship, took on this big job with the help of her fellow stylists. It was what they called "a full color correction", so it took a good long while. 

I got there and she got to work right away. We talked lightheartedly and had comfortable silences as she did her magic. At one point, I realized that I should probably remove my hearing aids because of the moisture and so many chemicals. The world went silent except for the ever present drone, layered with a piercing high pitch that is a more recent uninvited guest that has overstayed its welcome. The tinnitus becomes far louder when the hearing aids are removed.

It was at that point I made a choice. I wanted to enjoy this time with my girl. I wanted to be there fully present with her as she did her very first "professional" client, even if it was her mom. So I let go and refocused my attention, enjoying the sensation of the warm water as she rinsed the chemicals from my hair. I had never really thought about it but the strong stream of water directly on my head sounded rather regular as if my skull could transmit sound to my brain, quite like my ears do. I focused on my keenest sense which is my sense of smell (I've got an impressive sniffer) and noticed the sharp, biting scent of the chemicals started to ebb away and then a new scent, possibly toner, wafted by. After that, came an sweet earthy smell of the shampoo, the smell of laundry soap on my girls clothing as she got close to do the rinse, I noticed the coolness of the room on my ankles and, finally, the sweetness of the conditioner floated by.

All that done, I put the hearing aids back in because there is such a barrier to connectedness without them. No talking, no nearby light chatter to overhear. The world populated with sound again and the tinnitus got just a bit quieter.

I got a warm blow dry and some waves and ended up with a lovely creamy cocoa brown color over with intricate highlights running through. She done good....my girl♥


  1. oooooooooooooooooooooh, you look loverly! GREAT color on you!

  2. Hair looks gorgeous. Love the colour.

    I loved how you described your sense of smell of the occasion. Fascinating, Linda.

  3. Yes! Your hair looks beautiful. Interestingly, I have tinnitus pretty regularly and a very sharp sense of smell. Makes me wonder if our senses make a trade off.

    1. It seems so....I think hearing would be better than smelling but since we don't get to choose I'll take what I got.

    2. Roger and I have a deal. He has no sense of smell, but hears very well. So our plan is I'll be the gas fume detector and he'll let me know if there's a tsunami whistle and we need to run for higher ground.

    3. I like it!!! We also have a deal. Mostly that he will wake me if someone is breaking into the house and I will make sure he’s not eating over due food.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Martha.....it's good to hear from you.

  5. Beautiful color! I marveled at your sensory restricted experience, and the richness in which you described it.

  6. How wonderful to have it done by your daughter -- what a genuine, beautiful moment that was. And by the way, with the tinnitus -- oh, I know. Mine are screaming tonight. They never stop -- it's like living with the microwave doing a continuous beep. But sometimes they are way louder than others. I wonder if stress plays into it?


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